How do I rid my cabinets of a lot of old (possibly out of date) drugs and pills?

Apparently back in the day people used to get rid of their old drugs by flushing them down the toilet or dumping them in a storm drain. Because that's what they were told to do! I don't know, even if someone told me to do that, I am not so sure I would. Which leaves me in the same place as the person asking this question. Lots of pills, no idea what to do with them. This question was one I had as well.

This site, smartrxdisposal, gives some tips and pointers but I am still weirded out by the advice. They advise putting the drugs (mashed up and liquid added for pills so it becomes some kind of crazy drug paste) in a ziploc bag, adding kitty litter or coffee grounds in order to make it unpalatable for children and pets and then throwing it away. Gah. A nice addition to the land fill. Some cities and towns include prescription medications on their hazardous waste clean-up days. (My town, alas, is not one of them.) But they probably go by the industry standard of putting them in a bag with something undesirable to children and pets (What about peas? I hate peas, and so do most children.) and hucking it in the trash.

If I were a chemist perhaps I could give some advice on how to neutralize the drug before trashing it, but I am not. So I guess my advice is to be a lemming, and just throw them away following the instructions at smartrxdisposal.

UPDATE: Apparently you should still flush your oxycontin. Huh? Plus a bunch of other drugs. Thanks FDA!

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