Why does my screen dim when I move the mouse horizontally?

Since I know who wrote this, I can assume you are talking about a Macbook Pro. Short answer is I don't know. The long answer I feel would insult the question asker's intelligence, but for the sake of others I will include it. Have you checked the hot corners, is it possible that you are moving the mouse a bit wildly and it is setting off one of the corners? Maybe try turning off all the hot corners just to see if that helps. Does it perhaps have something to do with the ambient light sensors? My computer has sensors (the settings on which can be modified) that sense ambient light and will brighten or dim the screen accordingly. I am not sure how moving your mouse horizontally would actually make this happen, but maybe they are on the fritz because a dog licked them or something.

My other advice is always to restart. That sometimes helps me. Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer.

One follow up, does it only happen when you use the external mouse or does it also happen with the touch pad?

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