Are you two ready?

I suppose it depends on how "ready" is defined. If ready is a state of mind, then I would say, yes, we are ready. If ready refers to whether or not all physical aspects of the "task" are complete I am going to have to say, no.

Certain things are not done yet, but can easily be accomplished this week. Obviously, if it were to happen today, it would be okay, though it would not be to either of our satisfaction. We would rather complete the things that we have started.

Then there is the inevitable with someone like me. All kind of ideas that are constantly percolating in the back of my brain and occasionally get pushed to the front. In that respect, I suppose I can never be ready, because I will always have something more that I think might make everything just that little bit more special. That sentence is nuts, but I don't know how else to put it.

I can't speak for the other person you no doubt included in this question. But aside from mastering the art of tying a perfect bow tie, I think he is ready.

I would throw the question back to you, oh anonymous asker, are you ready?

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